
Issue T

Issue T, which appeared in Summer 2008, is completely sold and traded out, with the exception of three contributor copies for contributors who did not respond to our original requests for mailing addresses. Our hope is that these wonderful people will drop us a line because we've been guarding these babies with our very lives! There are absolutely no plans for a second run of this issue. Owning a copy is on par with owning a modern Bearcat (at least that's how we feel about it).

Issue A Contributor (and With+Stand editor) Dan Thomas-Glass summed up Taiga T most aptly in his recent (and by recent we mean 6 months ago) 30 Word Review. Thanks to Dan for the photo up there.

The issue's contributors include Daniela Olszewska, Niina Pollari, Laura Carter, Michael Ogletree, Knuts Skujenieks (trans by Bitite Vinklers), Helena Espvall, Jennifer Westfield, Goran Sonnevi (trans by Rika Lesser), Rika Lesser, Damon Krukowski, Christine Hamm, Max Richter, Viktor Ivaniv (trans by Peter Golub and Tatyana Golub), Margaret Bashaar, Juliet Cook, Diane Seuss, Todd Swift, Sarah Sarai, Francis Raven, Twilight Greenaway, Patrick Barron, Philip Byron Oakes, Phoebe North, Marissa Nadler, Harry Martinson (trans by Lars Nordstrom), Lars Nordstrom, Lau Nau, The Pines, Joshua Diamond, Howard Good, Lightsey Darst, Thomas Ekstrom (trans by Lars Palm) & Ken Pobo.

Issue T was edited by Brooklyn Copeland & Cortney Settle.